Noah J. Finnegan
Associate Professor
Luca Malatesta
personal website
Sea-level, sediment supply, and river incision in the Oregon Coast Range
Claire Masteller, PhD Candidate
personal website
Biological and physical modifications of the critical threshold for incipient motion of sediment grains
Alex Nereson, PhD Candidate
personal website
The spatial distribution, persistence, and landscape impacts of slow-moving earthflows in the California Coast Ranges
Allison Pfeiffer, PhD Candidate
personal website
Geomorphic controls on the size and spatial distribution of gravel in CA Coast Range rivers; with implications for salmonid habitat
Danica Roth, PhD (2016), co-advised by Emily Brodsky, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oregon
Kerri Johnson, PhD (2016), NCED II Synthesis Postdoc, UCSB, UNR & U Minnesota
Christian Braudrick, Postdoc (2014-2016), Postdoc, Utah State
Jon Perkins, PhD (2015), US Geological Survey Landslide Hazards (Menlo Park)
David Santaniello, MS (2015), Sea Kayaking Guide
Rachel Klier, MS (2014), Geologist at Amec Foster Wheeler
Leslie Hsu, Post Doc (2011), Physical Scientist; Community for Data Integration (CDI) Coordinator, US Geological Survey